Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Jake!

Tinslea and Jake riding Davie

Birthday Boy Jake and his new guitar
Tinslea hitting the pinata (and almost hitting Jessi)

Aunt Jessi helping Taylor Mae hit the pinata. She did so good!!!

Taylor playing in the bouncer.

So today Chad, Taylor and myself went to our nephew's birthday party. We had a really good time. The kids played in the bouncy thing that we had at Taylor's birthday party, had a silly string fight (which was too funny) and at the end they all took rides of their pony, "Davie". (Minus Taylor, who was scared to death of it.) I'm sure everyone has heard Jonnica say sometime or another that something was "definitely blog material." Well today, bless her heart, Jonnica said something that was definitely blog material. Tinslea was riding Davie and kept saying "I'm a cowgirl" when Jonnica pops off with "I mean Davie has been the same size for like 3 years." Uh yeah Jonnica, it's a pony, they don't get any bigger!!!!!!!!! That's almost as bad as Chad going up the escalator backwards. But it's ok we still love her. Comments like that keep our family get togethers exciting.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

We're boring!!

She has had a ball playing in her playhouse that her gran gran got her. She loves ringing the doorbell and playing in the fountain.
This is on her daddy's bday. He killed a turkey, finally!!

So Chad's on nights this week. We hate nights but we're not complaining!!!! I try to make plans for Taylor while he is sleeping during the day. Thank goodness he's off for 4 days though!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Catch Up Of Taylor.

Taylor's birthday party.
Isn't she adorable??

She opened her first present the night before from her mommy and daddy.

A Catch Up of Tay.

Taylor sleeping in her big girl car seat.
Taylor's first hair cut. Her Uncle John gave her a sucker to occupy her, I held her, her Grandma Linda held the hair in a baggy, and her daddy took the pictures. She was the sweetest little girl. She didn't even cry. Since then, she likes to comb her hair, and mine.

Taylor's first time eating cheese. She loves it.

Taylor giving her money in the offering at church. The other day she tried to take it back.

Taylor with her daddy and his deer this year. It was the biggest deer he's ever killed. We were very proud of him.

A Catch Up of Tay

Taylor at the Hot Rods game.

Taylor watching her daddy mow. She's cool!

One of Taylor's crazy faces. She has many.

Taylor playing at the park.

She loves the park.

A Catch Up of Tay.

Tay before she got her middle teeth. It looked like she had fangs. She had just ate some of a cherry icee.
Taylor in the tub. She loves baths.

Taylor first time walking.

Taylor's first time driving her daddy's truck. Now she has to do this all the time.

Taylor's first time at Beech Bend. (Aiden (her cousin) also in the pic)

A Catch Up on Tay

Pics for my brother.

Taylor's first 4th of July. (Looks like she's holding the Dollar Store sign.

Taylor playing in the fridge.

Chad pushing Taylor in clothes basket. (She loves this.)

Taylor's first (AND ONLY) pageant.

Taylor poured a WHOLE bag of Cheetos on her head. Chad and I were STARVING, so we ate them anyway.

A Catch Up of Taylor

More pics for my brother to see Tay.

Taylor and her dog, Lady.

Taylor and her daddy. (First time on the tractor.)
Taylor's first time at Hopscotch Playplace. (Tinslea's birthday)

Taylor's first Easter.

Taylor's first time outside with lady.

A Catch Up of Tay

I told my brother who lives in TN that i would post a lot of pics of Tay. He doesn't get to see her often and misses her like crazy.

Tay's 6 mo. birthday party. (with Tinslea)

Taylor turned upside down in her bed.

Taylor's first time eating cereal.

Taylor's first Christmas.

Taylor's first bath.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Our princess is one. I cannot believe it at all. Chad was saying that he couldn't believe it and the next thing I knew I was crying! This has been the most exciting (and exhausting) year. I have loved every minute of it. I can't thank God enough for the family He has given me. From giving Chad's job back, to helping me make it through school with a baby, to all the family that has been there with open arms, I am truely blessed.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Some pictures of us.

Chad said we needed a picture of us on here. (He thinks we're still important.)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We are Chad, Amber and Taylor Smith. Chad and I were married on June 6, 2009 (pics will be posted sometime) and our precious princess Taylor will be one this Friday, September 11. I am an accounting major at WKU and Chad works at Aleris International Inc. Our pride and joy, "Tay", takes up most of our time but we also LOVE our nieces and nephews and try to be around them as much as we can. Taylor is just now walking so we are having a ball with her right now. She loves her family even though she doesn't get to see them all the time. Hopefully in the next day or two I'll have some more pictures up. I probably won't talk much because pictures say everything. I just want the family that doesn't get to see her much see what she's up to.