Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Lot Has Happened!

Tay putting her toys on the tree.

Chad and Shane with the ducks..i'm not for sure who was with them taking the pic.

Me and Tay and the was a LONG was away and we didn't get a very good look at it...but hey, there's always next year....and Tay enjoyed it!!

Hope everyone has had a good holiday. Now it's time for my favorite!! I really enjoyed being around the family this Thanksgiving and I know Taylor did too. Since the last time I've posted I killed a deer, duck season came in (so we won't see Chad for like two months) and Chad, Taylor and I put up this Christmas tree. I usually have a lot of decorations on it but this year since Taylor will probably be hard to handle, we decided to put up a small tree with very few (non breakable) ornaments. This year I call it the "country tree" because it has all hunting or animal ornaments. Chad's mom gets us hunting ornaments every year so we decided to do the tree in that this year. Taylor is having fun finding all the different animals when we ask where they are...she's so smart!! She's also enjoying the colorful lights. When we were decorating it she decided to put her toys on in sweet is that??

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Taylor & Tinslea's trip to Rainforest Cafe

OK picture a 1 year old and a 2 1/2 year girl eating a pleasant dinner with her family and look beside her and see this...uh yeah they're going to be scared....
When they started moving, Taylor did not take her eyes off of it...more pictures to come of poor Tinslea Gracyn, she was scared to death.

Our beautiful princess finally took her eyes off of the monkey to say, "cheese!"


Tinslea was absolutely scared to death of the monkeys!
Taylor wasn't scared of the monkeys...just wanted to watch them...CLOSELY!

Tinslea crying when the storm came at the cafe...JoJo will take care of her!!

Tinslea wanted in the stroller with Taylor...Chad said we're going to have a hard time keeping them apart when they're older...looks like it's starting early!

Wanted to throw this one in ...Taylor's Halloween costume. I only had one picture of her because my camera went dead. She was an sweet!